...to wish you all a very holy and joyful Pascha. I was again very busy, and all mistakes made during the solemn and serious ceremonies of the Triduum were my own fault, but I account myself blessed to have had a small part in so great a mystery, even if I have fallen somewhat from the ''right,'' (if one could call it that) to serve at God's holy altar. It has been very humbling for me.
I'm sorry I had nothing scheduled to compensate for my absence (save on Goode Fryday), but I expect you all know how it is, even those of you unfortunate enough to be ''without Tradition,'' as I have heard it said. I was going to say something about the absolute necessity of Twelve Prophecies for the Paschal Vigil; how each in their turn narrates the history of Salvation, from Creation unto Redemption (in the Epistle and Gospel of the Vesperal Liturgy), but maybe next year. This itself puts us at a serious disadvantage, since one year my churchmen and I hope to do Sarum (which has only four prophecies for the Vigil). Anyway, enough rambling from me. Enjoy the Feast!
Haec dies quam fecit Dominus: exultemus et laetemur in ea, Alleluia!
Blessed Pascha to you and yours.
ReplyDeleteAnd a blessed Easter to you, too, Patricius!
ReplyDeleteI have spent Holy Week at a monastery, where the ('novus ordo' - how I hate trad labellings!) ritual would doubtless have intensely irritated you, in all but one detail I thought worth reporting to you: no lace was anywhere near the altar!
Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel; quia visitavit et fecit redemptionem plebi suae!