Wednesday 2 January 2013


Many of you may dismiss Quentin Crisp as an effeminate queer (well, he was) but I doubt most of us are worthy to tie his shoes. He was persecuted throughout his life but still found it worth his while to take people into his house, feed and clothe them, acts of the utmost benevolence which are confessedly beyond my capabilities. He also had a very interesting world view. Someone far superior to me. Do watch this video, wherein Mr Crisp amplifies the nature of The Naked Civil Servant and talks about the ''legalisation'' of homosexuality in 1967. I like what he says about boredom...

1 comment:

  1. One of the Wise Old Men, like Gore Vidal, now gone from our midst. I hope we can take some wisdom from them.

    Jim of Olym
