Tuesday 1 January 2013

Leave me in peace...

If somebody else wishes me a ''happy new year'' I shall boil over. It is NOT new year. Christians celebrate New Year on 25th March, which was the last Day of Creation, the historic Good Friday and feast of Our Lord's Annunciation, which, being the moment of the Incarnation, began the years of grace. All of this is asserted in Byrhtferth's Manual, written by Byrhtferth, a monk of Ramsey, c. A.D 970-c.1020. Until the adoption of the Papist Kalendar in 1752, the 25th March was the beginning of the new year for most legal and official purposes in England. Only pagans and those apostate from the faith (most Roman Catholics, for example) celebrate new year on 1st January. So, kindly sod off with your ''happy new years,'' I am trying to prepare for Christmass, if you don't mind.