Thursday, 7 May 2015

Election day...

As you know, I'm not voting to-day. I couldn't give twopence about the outcome of this election because our time is at an end whatever the outcome. It's almost irrelevant. I believe in Church and State, Monarchy and Aristocracy, Marriage and Monasticism. All of those things are in grave danger of annihilation because we live in an age of post-Christian faithlessness. Not even our pagan ancestors were as low as women in the armed forces and gay marriage. The culture of inclusion, diversity, mass immigration and secularism is propounded by ruthless monsters bent with overwhelming impetuosity on the obliteration of Christ from our our national institutions, our society, even our very memories. He is to be replaced by "equality" (a dead word), a kind of spurious niceness where to have an opinion on anything is a dangerous phobia, a libertine sexuality and a permissive immorality in which you can do whatever you want because your actions have no consequence beyond their immediate effect, and the notion that secular ideas about "rights," about polity, society, religion, education and democracy are fundamentally and intrinsically correct and that any other system is intrinsically wrong and not to be tolerated. Meanwhile, we incur the increasing wrath of the Muslim world which loathes, despises and abominates not only our open alliance with the Israelis but our attempts to impose secular ideals on them in a cultural war on their civilisation. Then come the engines of globalisation which blur all national distinctiveness. Do you think your passport is worth the paper it's written on?!

I could go on but it's depressing enough. Suffice it to say that mass immigration will continue without check, ere long Westminster Abbey will become a museum, the Monarchy and House of Lords will be abolished (not in Her Majesty's lifetime), our national sovereignty will be continually compromised by Brussels, twenty-four hour surveillance will be here with the cashless society, all to prevent "terrorism" and "extremism," and Christians will be driven into new catacombs by government legislation and the intimidation of young, black Muslim converts. It doesn't matter who the next Prime Minister is. All he can do is champion this merciless war on our ancestral Christian culture because it is at variance with the brave new world. The question is, will we just quietly slither off like a snake into the grass? Is it virtuous to stand against the erosion of Christian values? Is it worth it?  We're fast becoming irrelevant as it is and one of the principle wounds of Christianity is its fissiparous nature.

The art is deliberately chosen. You may have seen it before, it's The Tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. I live near Shooter's Hill, which is surrounded by woods in which Henry VIII was wont to hunt in times past. Years ago, scaling to the top, one would be able to look out over the city of London and see St Paul's in the distance. I haven't seen St Paul's from Shooter's Hill for many years because the landscape is now dominated by other, much taller buildings like "the Shard," which dwarfs the old protestant church. All monuments to our godless age of power and niceness. When new towers of Babel are build anew in the cities of the world then we will know that Antichrist is come.

Oh well, my parents are off to vote so I'd best see them off.


  1. I have refrained from voting too. I was going to go to the polling station and spoil my ballot paper but decided that was too much effort. I certainly could not have voted for the party with which I most naturally identify due to its obsessive support for the occupiers of Palestine. In addition the constituency in which I am registered to vote is the modern equivalent of a rotten borough and it would take a miracle to unseat the Socialist incumbent.

    1. I live in a Conservative constituency but I've never met my MP. In fact, the only party candidate I have seen in these parts in recent years was a UKIP candidate five or six years ago who was knocking on peoples' houses in a neighbouring town. Now I understand that it would be impossible and unreasonable for my MP to meet literally everyone in the constituency but I was given no opportunity to meet him. If he'd knocked at my door, I'd have welcomed him and made him tea and asked him questions but we've never seen him. I'm not even sure of his name!

      Ours is a "safe seat" for the Tories. If people didn't habitually vote in a tribal way things might change...

      I fear the vast majority of MP's see nothing wrong with occupied Palestine. The only one I know of who hates that rogue pseudo-state would never get my vote due to his left of left-wing convictions.

  2. Well I remember way back in 1979 which was the first election I was eligible to vote in. During the campaign the candidate standing for re-election as a Conservative MP did knock on the door of my parents' house and I had great pleasure in telling him I would be casting my vote in his favour. At that time I was in the Lower Sixth of my school and the Upper Sixth were very left wing. I suspect we reacted somewhat with a swing to the right. In retrospect whilst there were some good things about Thatcher she did lasting damage to British politics.
