Monday, 23 February 2015


"It is to the credit of the age that unity and harmony were so largely maintained, not by the trim and stupid method of the utter subordination of the national churches to the one great central jurisdiction, but upon terms consistent with honour and liberty, with loyalty, on the one hand, to the Regnum Angliae, its Church and King, and, on the other, to the noble earthly Regnum Dei whose reverend metropolis was Rome." Arthur Ogle, The Canon Law in Mediaeval England.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, concerning Tolkien's translation into Quenya, I have long been fascinated by "i ëa han ëa" as the translation of what is rendered in English as "which art in heaven". It could be read literally as "the is beyond is" or, less literally, "that which is beyond creation". "Ëa" can be read in at least two ways, as a verb, "is" or "exists" versus a noun "what exists" or "creation". I find the perspective of "the is beyond is" interesting to hold in mind.
